【ARCHITECTURE 建築】:indoor design 室內設計
1. stairway [ˋstɛr͵we] n. 樓梯;階梯
Stairway is a passage with a set of steps that leads from one floor to another.
2. corridor [ˋkɔrɪdɚ] n. 走廊;迴廊;通道
A corridor is a narrow, long passage in a building or train, with doors and rooms on one or both sides.
3. hallway [ˋhɔl͵we] n. 走廊;門廳;玄關
A hallway is a corridor in a building or an entrance hall of a building.
4. ceiling [ˋsilɪŋ] n. 天花板
A ceiling is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.
5. skylight [ˋskaɪ͵laɪt] n. (屋頂等的)天窗 ( = hatchway)
A skylight is an opening in a house roof covered with translucent or transparent material to admit light.
【CHEMISTRY化學】:compound 化合物
1. isotope [ˋaɪsə͵top] n. 同位素
Isotope is two forms of atoms which have the same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons.
2. isomer [ˋaɪsəmɚ] n. 同分異構物
An isomer is one of two or more compounds that contain the same number and kinds of atoms but that differ significantly in their geometric arrangement.
3. allotrope [ˋælə͵trop] n. 同素異形體
A structurally differentiated form of an element that exhibits two or more crystalline or molecular structural forms of an element.
4. radical [ˋrædɪkḷ] n. 基;原子團
Radical is a group of atoms forming part of a compound and not changing during chemical reactions
● free radical 自由基
5. valence [ˋveləns] n. 原子價 ( = valency)
Valences are the combining capacity of an atom or radical determined by the number of electrons that it will lose, add, or share when it reacts with other atoms. Carbon has a valence of four.
【BOTANY植物學】:Plant Category 植物分類
1. shrub [ʃrʌb] n. 灌木 ( = bush)
Shrubs usually have several low stems branched near the ground and are also called bushes, especially if they have many branches.
2. liana [lɪˋɑn] n. 藤本植物
Liana is a climbing woody vine especially of tropical rain forests that roots in the ground.
3. angiosperm [ˋændʒɪo͵spɝm] n. 被子植物
Angiosperm is a flowering plant which seeds enclosed in an ovary.
4. fern [fɝn] n. 蕨類植物
A fern is a plant that has long stems with feathery leaves and no flowers. Common to North America, the cinnamon fern is found in wet places.
● frond (蕨類)葉
● sorus 胞子囊群
● spore 胞子
● pinna 羽片
● rhizome根狀莖
5. xerophyte [ˋzɪrə͵faɪt] n. 旱生植物
a xerophyte is a plant which is adapted for growth under a water limited conditions.
【ANTHOROPOLOGY人類學】:Homo sapiens人類
1. hominid [ˋhɑmɪnɪd] n. 人類及其祖先
A hominid is any member of the biological family Hominidae, of which Homo sapiens is the only extant species. These are the "great apes", living and extinct. At present, there are humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.
2. tribe [traɪb] n. 部落
A tribe is a racial group, especially one united by language and customs, living as a community under one or more chiefs.
tribalism 部落主義
3. clan [klæn] n. 氏族
A clan is a large family group as found in tribal communities.
4. descent [dɪˋsɛnt] n. 家系
Descent is a person’s family origins.
5. sibling [ˋsɪblɪŋ] n. 兄弟姊妹 ( = sib)
In a family, one of two or more individuals having one common parent is called sibling
【PHYSIOLOGY生理學】:anatomy 解剖學
1. physiology [͵fɪzɪˋɑlədʒɪ] n. 生理學
Physiology is the study of how living things function.
● physiologist 生理學家
2. anatomy [əˋnætəmɪ] n. 解剖學
Anatomy is the science of the structure of the body, especially by cutting up dead animals and human bodies.
3. autopsy [ˋɔtɑpsɪ] n. 驗屍;屍檢報告 ( = postmortem examination)
If uncertain of the conditions leading to death, the physician may ask for an autopsy for scientific reasons.
4. dissect [dɪˋsɛkt] v. 解剖 ( = anatomize)
To dissect an organ or tissue is to cut it apart in order to examine or study the structure.
5. scalpel [ˋskælpəl] n. 手術刀;解剖刀
A scalpel is a small, straight knife used in surgery and in dissections.