
目前分類:✅TOEFL托福考試 (2)

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【ARCHITECTURE 建築】:indoor design 室內設計

1. stairway [ˋstɛr͵we] n. 樓梯;階梯
Stairway is a passage with a set of steps that leads from one floor to another.
2. corridor [ˋkɔrɪdɚ] n. 走廊;迴廊;通道
A corridor is a narrow, long passage in a building or train, with doors and rooms on one or both sides.
3. hallway [ˋhɔl͵we] n. 走廊;門廳;玄關
A hallway is a corridor in a building or an entrance hall of a building.

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✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 A-1】
a break with 分開 a departure from 
a couple of years 兩年two years 
a supremacy 至高,霸權:a dominance 
abundant[əˋbʌndənt]  豐富的,大量的,充裕的plentiful 
accelate[ækˋsɛlə͵ret]  加速;加大increase 

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